Golden Gate Bridge Suicides - Demographics

About 2,000 people have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, though the total number is unknown due to unconfirmed suicides. Unconfirmed suicides include those whose bodies were not recovered and/or there were no witnesses and there was not sufficient evidence that the death was a Golden Gate Bridge suicide.

2000 - 2024 Golden Gate Bridge Suicides


Total confirmed: 681

Total unconfirmed: 84

Total interventions: 2,902


Average confirmed deaths per year: 27 

Average unconfirmed deaths per year: 3 

Average interventions per year: 116


Source: Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District



14-24—14.24% Bay Area—83.39%
25-44—44.85% Alameda—8.15%
45-64—34.85% Contra Costa—6.58%
65+—4.85% Marin*—15.67%
Unknown—1.21% Napa*—0.94%
San Francisco*—26.33%


San Mateo—6.90%
African American—4.24% Santa Clara—9.40%
Asian—10.00% Solano—3.46%
Hispanic—3.94% Sonoma*—5.96%
Other—0.91% Other No. Calif—7.52%
Unknown—0.61% So. Calif—1.88%
Other US—6.27%


Out of US —0.94%
Male—74.24% *GGB Counties—48.90%
Source: Marin County Coroner's Records 1994—2009


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Bridge Rail Foundation is a tax-exempt non-profit dedicated to stopping suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge, and other suicide prone public facilities. We need your support to get the word out.

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