Other Suicide Sites - Train Sites


Mineta Transportation Institute (part of San Jose State University) conducted a study on Caltrain suicides in 2010 using Caltrain suicide data between 1992 - 2009. It found there were 123 suicides during that time which made up 2 / 3 of all Caltrain related fatalities. It also found that males died by suicide on the tracks 3.5 times more than females, more than 2 / 3 of all suicides occurred within a .5 mile walk from a station or road crossings, and 83% of suicides occurred between Burlingame and Sunnyvale.

In 2018, Caltrain installed AI enhanced cameras along Palo Alto stations and tracks which alert law enforcement when it detects certain behaviors on the tracks or stations. As of 2023, partial fencing was installed in the mid-Peninsula area of Caltrain's tracks. Caltrain has also installed over 250 Suicide prevention signage along tracks and at stations, has partnered with Crisis Text Line to offer support and resources to potentially suicidal people, and provides its employees with crisis training.


In 2015, BART has partnered with Bay Area Suicide and Crisis Intervention Alliance (BASCIA) to implement a suicide prevention including adding crisis number signage, crisis training for BART employees, changing media policies on reporting suicides, and working towards plans to add barriers at stations to prevent people from entering the tracks. As Caltrain and BART make plans to expand transit service, Bridge Rail Foundation is committed to working with both these agencies and other advocates to increase safety on rails for all and reduce suicides.


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Bridge Rail Foundation is a tax-exempt non-profit dedicated to stopping suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge, and other suicide prone public facilities. We need your support to get the word out.

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